Aluminium Scrap

Steel and Aluminium Scrap

Product Details
We have the best quality of Aluinium Scrap with very competitive price.

We are currently meeting the requirements for Aluinium Scrap from our customers from various countries across the globe.

  • Buyer sends a LOI/ICPO.
  • Seller send FCO, Buyer sign/seal FCO
  • Seller issues Draft Contract with banking details.
  • Buyer sign/seal draft contract and return if acceptable.
  • Buyer have face-to-face meeting with Seller and for signing final contract. The meeting place to be mutually agreed between Seller and Buyer.
  • Buyers Bank issue non-operative DL/C to seller’s bank.
  • Sellers bank issues 2% Performance Bond.
  • Buyers bank issues the operative DL/C to the seller’s bank.
  • Seller commences shipment.
  • Buyers company should have all import permits and/or opening Licenses.
  • Copies of all relevant permits and licenses should be sent to the seller.
  • If the Buyer agrees to the above terms with loi/Icpo with Bcl then seller issue the fco & sales contract.
We Provide Innovated Industrial Solutions
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